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DXpedicija,pogodi koja

Autor 9A5BCL, 01. Ožujak 2015, 19:44:50

« natrag - naprijed »

0 Članovi i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.


  Ovo je copy paste sa :


   "A few moments ago DX-World received an email from Dom 3Z9DX (still travelling home from his recent TI9 adventure) to inform he has written permission (100%) to operate from a VERY most wanted DXCC entity in Asia.

While we know the specific entity in question, we cannot yet reveal any more information until dates are announced. At this moment it looks like an early 2016 operation for approx. 5 days.

All we can say is you read it first here and that firm plans and website will be announced throughout 2015."

Koji DX entitet bi to mogao biti?

73 de 9a5cb,Zvonimir


Scarborough reef ili Pratas?  ???
Ali s obzirom na senzacionalisticku vijest, rekao bih cak i Sj. Koreja.


Bravo 9A1X:

vidi najavu na:

dakle, Dom 3Z9DX u prosincu ide s njima pregovarati za rad iz P5
za 5 dana negdje u siječnju/veljači 2016.g. samo na opsezima 14,21,28MHz samo SSB!
Pregovara i za CW, ali ajde da prvo vidimo što će od svega toga biti?
Kasnije ćemo se zamarati time koji nam band treba   8) 
(šala mala  ;) , naravno, skoro SVE nam treba!)

lp i GL