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7O Yemen?

Autor 9A4OE, 15. Veljača 2010, 17:14:04

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Interesantan email je poslao Hrane YT1AD iz Yemena. http://www.dxcoffee.com/ita/2010/02/13/7o-yemen-i-conti-non-tornano/
U kojem izmedju ostalog kaze da u posljednjih 20 godina Yemenska vlada ni njihovo ministarstvo za telekomunikacije nisu izdali niti jednu dozvolu za rad iz te zemlje.
Interesantno s obzirom na to da se 7O1YGF (04.2000) priznaje za dxcc diplomu, po ovome ispada da su piratska postaja. Ocito u ARRL postoje neka druga mjerila sto je legalno, a sto ne.
Vjerojatno ce o ovom jos biti rijeci.

Hi Francesco and all friends.
Thanks for mail. We was 7 days in Yemen.
After conversation in Ministry for telecommunication, with Director for FREQ and regulations, person, ex student in Russia, speak Russian and understand amateur radio, final answer is: NOT license for 7O.
In last  20 years not any valid license is issued by Yemen Government and Ministry for telecommunication.
King Husein from Jordan visited Yemen, but answer for HE King Husein was : NOT. Main reason is security!
73 Hrane YT1AD

The following operation has been approved for DXCC: 7O1YGF ?? Yemen Operation from April 16, 2000 through April 26, 2000.

After reviewing recently-received information regarding the 7O1YGF operation, and after additional dialogue with a leader of the DXpedition, the DXCC desk has approved this operation. Considering the length of time that has passed since this operation, we ask that DXCC participants who would like to claim credit for 7O1YGF follow the options below:

Send the 7O1YGF card ONLY to DXCC with a SASE, or return postage if outside the US; DXCC will process the card and applicants will not be charged a submission fee. 7O1YGF cards included with other cards will be handled as part of a normal submission. Bring the card to a DXCC Card Checker. The card checker will forward the confirmation to the DXCC desk for processing. Again, there will be no submission fee if this is a single-card submission. You must fill out an application form, however. In all other cases applicants can include their QSL card with their next submission, and it will be handled normally.

We will work with the 7O1YGF team to use Logbook of the World if possible. Remember, the cutoff date for the 2009 DXCC Annual listing and Honor Roll list is December 31, 2009. We encourage applicants to handle this sooner rather than wait until the last minute.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L Awards Branch Manager
9A4OE Damir JN75EI-JN85MQ bivši član 9A1ARS


OPDXB 947 osvrt urednika na ovu vijest:
** EDITOR'S COMMENTS: OPDX has heard the above statement once before
   about amateur radio not being allow for 20 years in Yemen. Most
   recently in 2005 by Vladimir, UA4WHX. However, this can not be totally
   true because there have been operations that have taken place and
   have been accepted for DXCC. Two major operations stand out:
         7O1AA - By 9K2DR and 9K2EC in late May and early June of 1990
         7O8AA - By F2VX and F6EXV in late July and early August 1990
   Also active and accepted was activity by the German group as 7O1YGF
   in mid-April of 2000 and OH2YY as 7O/OH2YY in early May of 2002. It
   is obvious that the above operations talked to/received the approval
   by the right individual in the Yemen Government with the proper
   authorization to issue a license and allow these operators to operate
   in "7O". Otherwise, the DXCC Desk would not have accepted these "7O"

Uglavnom kaze da to nemoze biti tocno, jer se prijasnje radioamaterske aktivnosti iz Yemena nebi priznale za DXCC diplomu. U prijasnjim aktivnostima iz Yemena vjerojatno nije bilo sluzbenog dopustenja za rad nego da su dozvole izdavali pojedinci iz vlade. Vjerojatno po onoj ruka ruku mije!
9A4OE Damir JN75EI-JN85MQ bivši član 9A1ARS


73 Damir 9A3VV
Use and enjoy Morse code operation - fundamental to ham radio.
Always keep in mind that there's a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". Don't cross this line!