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Autor 9A1UN, 28. Travanj 2012, 11:48:04

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Pozdrav svima :),

za znatiželnje, evo prvi relevantan test TS-990S u Radcomu!


Lp Nermin S58DX 8)


Pozdrav :),

evo kako se je TS-990S "snašao" u famoznoj tabeli
Rob Sherwooda NC0B ..


Lp Nermin S58DX 8)


Pozdrav :),

evo jedan zanimljiv zapis sa Kenwood reflectorja,
"kako tumačiti" brojeve o relevantnosti kvalitete trcvx TS-990S ;)

Dakle, ovako to izgleda:

As I have posted previously, I am an early owner of the radio, that I continue to enjoy.  I have been licensed since 1969 and have owned many radios since then.  I purchase the big box radios.  Large in size, internal power supply, with lots of knobs.  Prior to the 990, my most recent purchase was the Icom 7800 that I intended to own longer than the 3 years that I did, but when Kenwood released the 990, it looked so good that I decided to take the plunge.  I felt (it turns out correctly so) that the resale price of the 7800 would drop significantly with the new release.

I have the greatest respect for Rob Sherwood both as an engineer (I hope that is the correct term Rob) and as an amateur.  His technical knowledge is superior to most and certainly mine, hi.  My field of expertise does not lie in that arena.  However, what I generally do when I obtain something I don't understand, is ask someone whose opinion I respect.  I have a friend who is a long time amateur (50 years +) who is a retired engineer.  He is NOT an owner of the 990 and probably never will be.  He is a FLEX man through and through.  I asked him to review Rob's report and he has given me permission to share his thoughts with the group.  It is as follows:

"I will list my reasons using the other listed measurements in the chart, which are ALL important, or they wouldn't be listed. I usually compare each of the columns between units, and consider the expected effect if that alone was the most important, and it may well be in many receiving situations. I understand that Mr. Sherwood uses the "Dynamic Range, Close Spaced" as his most important criteria because in the very important DX situation of trying to work a weaker station, very close to a much stronger station, say 25 or 30 dB stronger, the receiver will produce intermodulation noise that may cause failure in making the contact. I agree, that is the most critical situation. However, there isn't always a much stronger station right there. If you look at Wide Spaced, 20 KHz away, a 30 or more dB station would not even be noticed in the audio or the AGC.

So, I ask you to look at the TS-990 using a more comprehensive view.

1. Noise Floor: It is a much "quieter receiver" than many above it at -138 dBm. That is outstanding at 11 dB BELOW "S" zero.
2. Receiver Blocking by strong signal 100 KHz away: It is Outstanding at 145 dB of capability.
3. Local Oscillator Noise floor: important, since that noise is injected right into the first mixer where it competes with weak signals. Outstanding at 138 dB down at 10 KHz.
4. Front End Selectivity (method of achieving): It uses a Tracking Pre-Selector. That can be outstanding if properly implemented. That's how the Collins R-390 is configured. Not to say the TS-990 is equal to the R-390 in that respect.
5. Filter, Ultimate Cutoff: mediocre at 90 dB, however, that is usually good enough.
6. And, last but certainly not the least, Dynamic Range, Wide-Spaced", as good as it gets, almost incredible, at 111 dB at 20 KHz away.

So, in my humble opinion, unless you are in that Pile-Up, working that weak, and so important station, the TS-990 is a very good receiver for all the other day to day situations."

I hope this is helpful and interesting to the group.

Thanks and enjoy.  73, de

Dave, w1wn

Očito je Kenwoodu uspjelo napraviti "dobar" radio!
Posebno mi se je svidjela fusnota o "tracking preselectoru u R390"

Lp Nermin S58DX 8)


 Evo kako ga  sklapaju ;D ,


                                                                                                                             73 PJT
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