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Article about expedition to last one RDA YA-38

Autor 9A4WY, 21. Veljača 2014, 14:20:19

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0 Članovi i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.


Dobio sam ovaj mail jutros...
Hello, dear Kristijan!

We completed the translation of the article about our expedition to north Yakutia, the last new one RDA: YA-38.

If interested, you can find it under the link:

Also please, if possible, post a link to this article on the forums, or national web sites.

Best regards!

73! Vasily, RA1ZZ/3

pa evo...koga interesira i ko ih je radio neka pogleda
Logic will take you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere


Procitao sam jutros sa zadovoljstvom cijeli clanak. Radio sam ih na 40m CW...
73, Zrinko (Zik) DK8ZZ, VE3ZIK, YT3ZZ