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DXCC novosti !

Autor 9A8A, 11. Siječanj 2008, 22:59:06

« natrag - naprijed »

0 Članovi i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.


Citat 9A6R:
Kad ćemo dočekati da nešto pojeftini?


Zašto je ovo završilo u košu? Pa to je normalna ljudska rekacija ne povečanje cijena ?

73's Mark


Pozdrav !

Ovaj tjedan samo jedna novost:

The following operation has been approved for DXCC credit:

7Z1CQ – Saudi Arabia
Current Operation

If anyone had this operation rejected in a DXCC application, send an e-mail to dxcc@arrl.org to be placed on the list to have your account updated.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager

73's Mark


Pozdrav !

Još je jedna aktivnost priznata za DXCC, današnja vijest je:

The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:

HZ1EA – Saudi Arabia

If you have had this operation rejected in a recent submission, please send a note to dxcc@arrl.org to be placed on the list for an update. Also, once completed, if you have an account in LoTW, the update will be posted to your account.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager

73's Mark


Pozdrav !

Nakon malo duže pauze evo i novopriznate aktivnosti za DXCC:

The following operation has been approved for DXCC credit:

ZS8T – Prince Edward & Marion Island

Recent operation conducted by ZS6GCM

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager

73's Mark


Pozdrav svima,
citat iz današnjeg OPDX bulletin:

It was reported this past week that St. Maarten (PJ7) and Curacao (PJ2) will become separate countries within the Dutch Kingdom on October 10, 2010, and this date is irrevocable. HOWEVER, the two new countries are subjected to meet certain conditions before that date. If the two countries can meet these conditions, the the Netherlands Antilles will officially cease to exist.



OPDXBulletin 939 kaze

DXCC NEWS (2009 DXCC Yearbook Final Reminder). Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL
Awards Branch Manager, reports: "Just a last-minute final reminder that
if you have not made your 2009 submission, you must make a submission in
order to appear in the next yearbook. The submission must be postmarked
on or by December 31, 2009.
If you are current on the DXCC Honor Roll (minimum of 329 'current' DXCC
entities) you will automatically be listed and you DO NOT need to make a
submission. However, if you are not current on the Honor Roll you must make
a submission in order to be listed.
Also, in order for an award to appear in the Annual List, first the award
must be 'active' (Meaning you must have a certificate). Just qualifying for
an award does not mean it will appear. Also, for an active award to appear
your total on that category MUST increase by at least one point. (eg: If
you had 300 in 2008 for 10 Meters and in 2009 your number remaining at 300,
the 10 meter listing will not appear in the Annual List. But, if your
number increased to, at least 301, then your active award will appear.
Also, only ARRL members (during the 2009 calendar year) receive the free
copy. (The cost of the yearbook is to be determined soon).
The 2009 DXCC Yearbook will now be handled as an official ARRL
publication that will no longer be handled by the DXCC Branch directly.
Orders for the yearbook will now be available only via the ARRL catalog.
(This will not affect those who qualify for the free copy).
Send questions to <dxcc@arrl.org> "
9A4OE Damir JN75EI-JN85MQ bivši član 9A1ARS


Još fali Kosovo i Abhazija i za 2010 dosta,HI.



Čekaj još malo, kad ovi PJ-i postanu nove zemlje.

73 de 9a2d


Pozdrav !

Obavještavam Vas da od 25.07.2011.g. u DXCC programu više nema diplome pod nazivom RTTY. Ta se diploma od tada na dalje zove DIGITAL !
Očito su druge vrste digitalnih komunikacija prevladale RTTY?

73's & GL


Citat: 9A8A  u 13. Kolovoz 2011, 08:45:09
Pozdrav !

Obavještavam Vas da od 25.07.2011.g. u DXCC programu više nema diplome pod nazivom RTTY. Ta se diploma od tada na dalje zove DIGITAL !
Očito su druge vrste digitalnih komunikacija prevladale RTTY?

73's & GL
Taman toga dana klub odradio ST0R za 300. DXCC RTTY vrstom rada. Sada se moramo baciti na digitalu ;)
Ljista potvrđenih je na http://web.hamradio.hr/9a1ccy/dxcc.html

«...Dozvoli mi da pobijedim. Ali ako ne mogu pobijediti, dozvoli mi da budem hrabar u pokušaju...»


Veze koje se od tog datuma urade RTTY vrstom emisije vrijedit će kao i prije samo što će na diplomi pisati DIGITAL umjesto RTTY.Pa i logično je jer imamo mnoge digitalne vrste rada a RTTY je jedan.



Pozdrav !

Informacija onima koji su cekirali karte za DXCC na Jarunu:
Na stranicama ARRL-a objavljeno da su "papiri" stigli te 9A lista izgleda:

9A3NM 28-Sep-2011
9A4W 28-Sep-2011
9A4WY 28-Sep-2011
9A5AN 12-Sep-2011
9A5CY 28-Sep-2011
9A6AJ 28-Sep-2011
9A7KM 28-Sep-2011
9A8A 22-Jul-2011

a E7 lista ovako:

E70YL 07-Sep-2011
E73ENS 28-Sep-2011
E73M 28-Sep-2011
E73W 28-Sep-2011
E73Y 28-Sep-2011
E74KC 28-Sep-2011
E74SD 07-Sep-2011

Nadam se da ce ARRL brzo odraditi svoj dio posla pa da ce Vam ubrzo na kucne adrese stici izvjestaji i ostalo sto ste trazili....

73's Mark


nesto mi nije jasno....
zatrazio sam 5BDXCC i čekirano je samo 7 karata..ostalo je na LOTW-u
oni su "odradili"posao tako da su mi oni čekirali sve što je "confirmed" na LOTW-u a to je jako puno...naime ja sam želio čekirati po 100 zemalja po bandu što i treba za diplomu, a ne po 200 kom na nekim bandovima >:(...
naravno to ne košta očekivanih cca 75$ nego 160$ >:( >:(
je li to uobičajena praksa za LOTW ili ???
svako iskustvo dobrodošlo...Kiko 9A4WY
Logic will take you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere


Pozdrav !

Na LoTW si trebao oznaciti vezu po vezu koju zelis da ti priznaju?
Vise o tome bi ti mogao reci Martin, 9A2JK....

73's Mark


Mali ispravak: morao si označiti koju zemlju želiš potvrditi i na kojem bandu.
To si, očito, previdio, i dopustio da LotW potvrdi sve. A razlika je očita.

73 Dino